Tentang sainspangan.com
Situs untuk berbagi ilmu sains dan seputar Teknologi Pangan. Informasi yang dibagikan mencakup seputar sains, kesehatan teknologi pangan dan jurnal sains penelitian yang berasal dari berbagai sumber kredibel. Diharapkan dengan adanya sainspangan.com dapat membuat masyarakat lebih mudah mendapatkan informasi sains yang diinginkan.
A site for sharing science and about Food Technology. The information shared includes science, food technology, health and research science journals that come from various credible sources. It is hoped that sciencepangan.com can make it easier for people to get the desired scientific information.
A site for sharing science and about Food Technology. The information shared includes science, food technology, health and research science journals that come from various credible sources. It is hoped that sciencepangan.com can make it easier for people to get the desired scientific information.